School Problems


Hypnosis will help with the biggest problems for children in school that are related to schoolwork including low motivation and test taking fears along with anxiety. Children with low motivation just don’t seem to care about succeeding in school. If not addressed, these issues can persist throughout life. The child will grow up into an adult who experiences low motivation for his or her career and life in general also suffering from a persistent fear of test taking situations.



Hypnosis works for test taking in a few ways. First, I help your child to identify and neutralize the underlying fears. Next, I teach hypnotic techniques that the child can use while studying, so that he or she will enjoy excellent recall during the test. Finally, I also teach successful studying and test-taking techniques.

For motivational issues I use hypnotherapy to help children and teens understand that education is the building block to their successful future, not just their careers but also their relationships and personal satisfaction.

“I can’t believe what hypnosis can do! My son really needed help. Taking him to the Drucker Hypnosis center was the best choice we ever made. My son is 13 and is about to graduate middle school and head to High School. Long before you began working with my son, he had been disobedient and fresh. He was always in trouble. We have had so many screaming fights…
Right away my boy connected with you. Through hypnosis we learned that my son had felt scared of being himself and was acting out to try to get in with the older kids. He didn’t feel good about himself and he thought he wasn’t worthy to hang out with the “cool kids” in his class. He had a low self-esteem…
Together Marc and my son got rid of his misperceptions about himself that were false. These untrue beliefs that there was something wrong with him had started when he was small boy and kept harmfully reinforcing and growing out of control. You helped him understand that those were false beliefs…
Now he knows there is nothing wrong with himself. He took a complete 180 for the better. I don’t have to worry about him going to high school in a few months. He is going to be a star!”*